
Nurse Tamarka Sanitarka

Tumen state hospital in Siberia. This nurse looked and acted as if she were on the front lines fighting against the Nazis. So

Snoring Patient

This guy had just arrived, told us his name, gave us a stack of humor magazines to read, fell on the bed and started snoring l

Man Against the Window

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Young Man from the Caucasus

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Ahmed the Wrestler

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Scenes on the Beach near Tumen in Siberia – 4

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Scenes on the Beach near Tumen in Siberia – 3

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Scenes on the Beach near Tumen in Siberia – 2

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Scenes on the Beach near Tumen in Siberia -1

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A Thorny Character

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Color of Music

Outline sketch of a guitarist. Another version of this is an oil painting in this gallery. Share this... Facebook TwitterGoogl

Hospital Chess

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Hospital Patients Watch TV – 2

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Hospital Patients Watch TV

In the common hall where we had meals, we could also watch TV on the wall. I never watched it but made a few sketches of the p

Guitarist: Ink, Matchstick, & Finger Technique

Since I had ink but no metal pens, I had to be inventive and developed a technique of drawing with a wooden matchstick and smu

Inspiration from Matisse

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Nelepa on the Bench

Just another one of my sketches of Nelepa. Share this... Facebook TwitterGoogle Pinterest Linkedin Whatsapp Email

Nelepushka on the Bench

His last name was Nelepa – rather uncommon and roughly translated as “farcical” or “absurd.” He

Flirting in the Hospital Courtyard

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Korepanov the Thinker

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Kropotin, Property Owner

This old man was transferred from a psychiatric ward where he was abused and beaten by other mental patients. He kept to himse

Sketch of a Shed

This was just a shed near the river bank, on the edge of the forest outside of Tumen, Siberia. Share this... Facebook TwitterG

Sleeping Patient in a Hospital

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